글로벌 파트너 코아비스가 함께 합니다.
“We obey the law and order.”
“We respect our bosses, colleagues, and subordinates”
“We respect our customers, shareholders, and business partners.”
“We maintain a corporate culture of moral integrity.”
1.1 Faithfully comply with the laws and international norms of all countries in which it conducts business.
1.2 Prevent all conflicts of interests between the company and the individual.
1.3 Adhere to fair competitive practices and trading principles.
1.4 Respect individual human rights and treat individual employees fairly without any discrimination.
1.5 Individuals and organizations embody ethical thinking and behavior.
2.1 International business activities
Executives and employees comply with the laws and international norms of all countries in which the company conducts business and respect social values such as culture and customs.
Every expatriate is responsible for familiarizing themselves with local laws and cultures and complying with them accordingly.
2.2 Fair trade and competition
Achieve free and fair trade and competition, complying with international standards and national fair trade regulations.
In addition, information related to all traders and competitors shall be collected and used only legally and ethically.
2.3 Accounting and Financial Reporting
All accounting and financial reporting must comply with general accounting principles and standards. It also provides an accurate and easy-to-understand representation of the company's financial status, operational results, and actual conditions, and necessary information needs to be provided promptly.
3.1 Provide a fair opportunity
The company provides equal employment and promotion opportunities to all, regardless of race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, physical and mental disorders, and any other social or personal characteristics.
3.2 No discrimination and sexual harassment
The company does not tolerate any kind of discrimination, sexual harassment, or any harassment, and in case of a violation, the employee is subject to disciplinary action, including a maximum penalty of dismissal.
3.3 Respect diversity
Employees should acknowledge and respect everyone’s individuality and diversity. However, they should observe the workplace etiquette and obey the dress code policy and refrain from inappropriate clothing which can have a negative effect on co-workers and work environment.
4.1 External Affiliate Employment
Refrain from inappropriate involvement with external employment or business interests that may cause conflicts of interests or interfere with the internal work.
4.2 Inappropriate personal gain
Excepting the compensation provided by the company, executives and employees shall not involve the improper use of rank or position for any personal benefits.
4.3 Money, gifts, and entertainment.
Do not receive or demand money, gifts, or entertainment from all stakeholders. However, on the occasions when it is necessary to receive money, gifts, and entertainment, the person involved should immediately report to the supervisor or the head of the personnel department.
5.1 Environmental protection
Executives and employees are deeply aware of the importance of environmental issues and comply with domestic and international environmental laws and standards. During the product design and manufacturing process, the company ensure the environmental efforts, minimizing the adverse impact of the business activities on the environment.
5.2 Health and safety of employees
The company considers the health and safety protection of its employees as a top priority and maintains a safe workplace environment by complying with all applicable health and safety rules and standards. In addition, executives and employees should comply with accurate work procedures and guidelines to prevent accidents and injuries in the workplace.